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AdSense revenue split (How to get AdSense payment by installments)


Are you working with a partner on your AdSense account? Do you want to split your payment? You have come to the right place! There is a considerable amount of people who want to get split payment from google AdSense for various reasons. You may be wondering if Google allows revenue split but probably couldn’t find any useful information. You will find the answers and the solution in this article. If your questions remain unanswered please contact us (see contact options at the bottom of the page).

For AdSense, Google allows users to add multiple bank accounts and it is possible to choose one of them as the primary account. However, no matter how many bank accounts you add AdSense will not give you the option to split the payment and will make the payment in a single transaction assuming that your earnings exceed the payment threshold and there are no holds. But as promised there is an easy solution to this problem!

How to get split payment from Google?

It might feel like it is impossible to get split payment but with a Google Ad Exchange partner like Adreact you can get your ad revenue in as many installments as you like. Adreact, a UK-based company, gives you the option to split your revenue however you like. For example, you can send 50% of your revenue to your bank account and the other 50% to your PayPal account. With various alternative payment methods, including online payment systems, Adreact provides its users with great convenience.

How to apply to Adreact?

Applying to Adreact is really easy. However, there are several requirements before you can apply. If you are a website the requirement is a minimum of 5000 daily unique visitors. If you don’t have a website then you need to have a considerable amount of followers on social networks in that case we can provide you with free hosting and create a website.

As long as your website falls in line with Google ad policies and exceeds the minimum payment threshold, your revenue will be sent during the last week of the following month with your desired payment method. Also please check country and language availability and make sure your language and country are listed.

Apply to Acreact now!


Contact us.

Do you have a adsense website with 6 months of payment history?

We can help you get split payment through various payment methods.