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Adsense – Is it possible to get paid in Bitcoin?


Since its inception cryptocurrency has been gaining popularity among internet users and day by day the number of organizations that incorporate cryptocurrency into their services are increasing rapidly. Bitcoin was introduced in 2009 and since then it has been the most popular cryptocurrency. Although it is criticized for its use in illegal transactions, it is still the first choice of people who want to remain anonymous and leave no digital footprint. One question that remains unanswered is whether it is possible to receive AdSense payments via cryptocurrency (namely Bitcoin), and that is probably why you are here, to find some answers.

Unfortunately, currently, Google Adsense does not support payments through Bitcoin, even though it has been around for almost 11 years. Google doesn’t share its business plans with the public so it is impossible to know if they are planning to present Bitcoin as a payment method to its users in the near future. However, if you still think there must be a workaround, you are right! Adreact is the answer you are looking for. Adreact, which is an official Google Ad Exchange partner, gives you the option to convert your earnings into Bitcoin along with various other alternative payment methods.

In order to become a publisher and receive payments in Bitcoin, we require you to have at least 5000 daily unique visitors. If you have a potential traffic source but don’t have a website you can create one in a matter of seconds (see our other blog posts) and start publishing content on your social media accounts. All you need to do is to comply with the Google Ad Policies and as long as your language and country are supported (language and country availability) you can receive your payments through Bitcoin on a monthly basis.

Start working with a Google Ad Exchange partner company now!


For more information contact us!

Do you have a adsense website with 6 months of payment history?

 We can help you get your payment via PayPal, Payoneer, Wise or Bitcoin/USDT.