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How to earn more with better ad placement


Where we put ads on our page is as important as receiving traffic. An ad unit on the header may not have the same effect as an ad on the right sidebar, or an ad with a different size at the same position may have many different returns. Finding the most attractive ad positions that also having minimum negative effects on the user experience is the holy grail of publishers.

Among many others, there are three primary ad locations we can consider as a first bet.

Between content: These ads have the advantage that we can be sure the user will see them in order to continue reading the content. So that they maximize viewability.

At the end of the content: After reading the text on the article the user has the advantage to see an ad related to the content they just read.

Sidebar: Although these ads are prone to ad blindness, especially the ones having larger height ensure better viewability.

How can you find the best spots to put ads?

A good tool to determine where should we place our ads is to research the data of our website and experiment to realize where ads can perform in the best possible way. By using a web analytics tool (e.g. Google Analytics) we can find where the user spends more time and which devices are they using to navigate our site. All this can give us information to recognize a good spot. However, at the end of the day, finding the best placement is an art and significantly depends on the experience of the publisher. More precisely it is an art if you are not working with AdReact. In AdReact we have the necessary tools to help you find the best placement for ads on your site, analyzing traffic information, devices, and performance. We help you to maximize your ad revenue with the best ad placement using data science and machine learning without sacrificing user experience. We guarantee to increase your ad revenue without populating your website with more ads and compensate your loss if we cannot succeed. If you are interested in maximizing your ad revenue please contact us.

Do you have a adsense website with 6 months of payment history?

 We can help you get your payment via PayPal, Payoneer, Wise or Bitcoin/USDT.