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Adsense – Is it possible to get paid in Bitcoin?

Since its inception cryptocurrency has been gaining popularity among internet users and day by day the number of organizations that incorporate cryptocurrency into their services are increasing rapidly. Bitcoin was introduced in 2009 and since then it has been the most popular cryptocurrency. Although it is criticized for its use in illegal transactions, it is […]


How to create a website with minimum effort

Your website is your business card, your presence on the world wide web, and the place where you have the best chance to sell your products and services. You have complete control over it, from the look and feel of the branding to the content and messaging that you communicate to visitors. Moreover, having a […]


What Is AMP And Why You Should Use It?

Accelerated Mobile Pages also known as AMP is a project backed by Google to provide publishers a way to load pages quickly on mobile devices. Many major websites and newspapers started using AMP to offer mobile users a better and faster experience and as a result, many of them saw an increase of at least […]


How To Use Pinterest To Drive Traffic To Your Website?

Pinterest is an excellent tool to drive curious readers to your newly created content. It is becoming a network where people not only make visual vision boards but also search for articles about topics that go from home improvement, pregnancy, coding, life advice, fashion, etc. Here are some methods that can work well to use […]


Choosing Between Synchronous And Asynchronous Rendering For Your Website

When it comes to maximizing the revenue of your website there are many aspects of optimization that we consider. These aspects such as page layout, content quality, traffic sources, and others. But there are also other factors that can be controlled using the features on your ad server (Google Ad Manager / DoubleClick for Publishers […]


How Can You Avoid Banner Blindness?

It’s not a secret that most websites around the world wide web are thriving solely on digital advertising and it is considered the main income source for many publishers. Still, the most dominant type of advertising is the good old banner ads. Do people really still click on those ads? Well, to put things in […]


Boost your revenue by increasing viewability

The position or layout of our ads is one of the main concerns for some publishers, while keeping it on the sober note to not only keep our revenue but to increase it many think that layout is the only issue and whether we put our ads above or below the fold it’s not the […]


Alternative ways to monetize your videos

Since the digital world met video monetization it started to be the first importance for many publishers. Nowadays, it is hard to find a publisher who didn’t try or doesn’t plan to try monetization of video content. Video monetization is an exhaustive topic on its own and a blog post is far away from explaining […]


How to earn more with better ad placement

Where we put ads on our page is as important as receiving traffic. An ad unit on the header may not have the same effect as an ad on the right sidebar, or an ad with a different size at the same position may have many different returns. Finding the most attractive ad positions that […]


AdSense PayPal – Can AdSense pay through PayPal (Easy Solution)

AdSense is a popular platform for those who want to monetize their website with google ads. With the increasing numbers of AdSense users over the years, one of the most commonly asked questions is “How can I get payment from AdSense to PayPal?” Many people wonder if it is possible to get their AdSense revenue […]